What did you say?!?
What did you say?!?
What a crappy comment proggie! It slows my blog's loading time down to forever and a day....it never displays the correct number of comments.....it catagorizes some of my favorite commenters as spam.....IT SUCKS!!!
I've gone through and saved all the comments that Haloscan was storing in its stupid holding tank to a Word document...there's some good stuff in those comments! Blogger is where I'm going to stay for my commenting needs.....I'm sooooo glad I didn't switch Yay-Yays to Haloscan! Did I mention that Haloscan sucks balut? (pronounced: ball-oot) It also sucks dirty ass....no link for that one....sorry for the visual.
Ok...over Haloscan...on to something that actually works.......
I got nothing.
Rachael, How could you?
Long Hair & Spiders
I have long hair...it's down to my butt. It's very thick...yet it doesn't look thick. Each hair strand is almost the same strength as dental floss....I have actually used my hair to floss my teeth, when I couldn't find any.
So, you're wondering, "why is she posting about this now, right?" Cuz I had a spider walking down the back of my arm!! For once....meaning the very first time EVER....I thought, "oh, it's just my hair!" NOPE!! It was a spider!!! ACK!!!
Allergies & Heaving Infections
I had a Dr appt on Weds. In the midst of discussing my pit rash I bring up how my allergies are kicking my ass. Dr Jonna takes a look in my ears and throat....molests my lymph nodes and then has the audacity to press on my sinuses! Good thing I like her....I wanted to whap her a good one. That hurt!
Verdict: sinus infection....AGAIN!! Why can't I be like normal people with seasonal allergies and just get allergy symptoms instead of needing horse-pill-sized antibiotics? Don't get me started on the "fluid" in my ears.....grrrrrrr! At least, this time I didn't go a year saying it was "just allergies" and then have my eardrum blow. The girl is getting smarter and smarter.
This time around has been a little different, though. I have nausea like you wouldn't believe....Dr Jonna agreed with me that it is probably from all the post nasal shit (mine don't drip...it flows!). Are you nauseated now, too? Good! I don't want to heave alone.
Group Interview....also seen on Sister-Friends
It wasn't planned, but I ended up sitting smack dab in the middle of these gals. I was directly across from the 2 managers that were interviewing us. They had us on one side of the long table while they faced us from the other side. I'm HUGE on eye contact in an interview setting, I think this kind of intimidated one of the managers. He kept averting his eyes whenever I was attempting make eye contact with him. I only strove for eye contact when I was answering one of their lame ass questions.
At the end of the interview they asked us if we had any questions for them....after a couple gals asked about topics they had already covered extensively, I asked how many positions they were filling. 15....I thought, "cool, there's 6 of us here," I knew they had already done another group interview with 6 earlier in the day....so 15 positions....12 interviewed so far...pretty good odds....then she had to add, "we've already filled 1/2." Great, now there's only 7 or 8 positions available and 12 potentials. Not so great odds....
After having a one-on-one interview, when I leave I usually know if I connected with the interviewer and had a good feeling about whether, or not, I got the job. You just don't get that at a group interview. It sucks!
I may not find out if I'm going to be "made an offer" until Tues....my tummy is already feeling the stress...along with my neck, head, shoulders, etc. Goddess, I wish I had a crystal ball!
Job Update
I've never been in a group interview before, so I asked her how it worked. I guess, a group of potential employees sits around a table interacting and answering questions. They are really BIG on teamwork and group stuff at this facility. I don't quite get it since it's an inbound call center...no sales involved...and you're on the phone for 99% of your shift. If you're on the phone with clients....where does the teamwork come into play? Are we gonna tackle a rival call center over who gets to take the calls? I just find that odd. I'm all for being a team player....I just don't get how that will enhance my experience answering stupid questions 8 hours a day.
So...group interview: 4pm It feels like it's 150 degrees out (in Spokane that translates to around 95.....it's a dry heat)....can I call in "hot?" I guess you shouldn't call in until after you have a job to call in to, huh?!? I swear one of those big pharmaceutical companies needs to come up with a pill that will drop body temps.....on a hot sweltering day you take a pill and it feels like it's a nice 70 degrees out, rather than 100. I bet that would sell even more than Viagra! Who wants a hard on...or to be near a hard on....in 100 degree heat? Not that I ever want to be near one.... Now those cooling pills....I'm all for that!
Job Interview
Death by Intolerance
We have become what our forefathers were fleeing from! The history books say that the pilgrims came here for religious freedom....that's not completely true, but anyway....so we love to say that America is all about religious freedom. All that religious freedom means to most Americans is the right to discriminate! Our forefathers didn't want religion governing their new country...that was the problem they had with England. Now the religious right is governing our country....so where does the new generation of pilgrims go? Back to England?
Seen at Wal*Mart
Yes, it says Hiny Hiders.
Now that's class!
Dub's Dom
With that thought in mind, I did what I had to do to shut Dub's trap and get this ordeal over with. I thought I'd have a little fun and made him call me President Kat. I figured I'd tell him what to say and then I wouldn't have to hear his stupid babbling. Oh yeah, I dom'd the Prez...and it was good! He was my Bitch that night! Instead of giving him his way....he got mine! I rode him like a pony around the oval office, whipping his boxer'd ass.....he was wearing those sock suspenders on his scrawny chicken legs, too! I determined that if I had to be here "serving my country" then I was gonna give the SS one helluva show....I just hoped they could keep their laughter down.
After dom'ing Dub, like the bitch we know he is (I'm convinced Laura is a dominatrix!)...I made him get himself off. No way was I gonna touch the Prez's peenie! He was crying like a baby, thanking me for being such a patriot. Oh yeah, that's me...Ms Patriotic Dom. Thankfully, I woke up and it was only a nightmare. I'm still gay...and, he's still a redneck bitch.
Creative Cussing
One of my favorite cuss-phrases is "Holy Mother Pheasant Plucker!" It just sounds naughty. "Holy Mother of God!" Is another one of my faves. When I really wanna sound naughty "gadammofosumbtch" works just fine....I'm not really saying anything, but it sure sounds like it!
I was raised that cussing was a sign of a small mind living in a trailer park. People of class don't cuss. I wasn't allowed to say, "butt, cops, or oh God!" Yes, cops....my parents felt it was like calling them pigs.....that's changed over the years. But saying God's name in vain....no, that hasn't changed...that's as bad as, if not worse than, saying the f-word! So for years "good.....ness!" was my "oh, God!"
I'm sure I have a lot more phrases that I use as cuss-phrases, I just can't think of them right now.....I need chocolate.....must have chocolate.
Man Boobs
Where are my binoculars when I need them?
New Blog
There's a new blog in town! It's a blog for, about and by women. Inspired by the book Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood, it is my goal to create a blog where friendships with other women are made and celebrated. Take a look at our blog and see if it's where you belong!
First comes the shock....
Funk Escape
Hugs, y'all!
Horrible Day
4 years ago today my cat, Baby Girl, was attacked by 2 dogs. Baby Girl had been mine for almost 5 years by this time. When I adopted her she was a skittish frightened little puff ball. She was born into a house full of monster-kids and parents who just didn't give a rip. As long as the monsters weren't bothering the adults....messing with their highs, buzzes & whatever else that was more important than raising well-behaved happy kids..... Part of not messing with the adults was terrorizing the kittens, Baby Girl included. I knew when I "rescued her from the pit of hell" that it would take a long time before she trusted me. In fact, I wasn't sure she ever would. That was ok with me, I just wanted her safe.
To say I was protective of her is a gross understatement. I wasn't a hovering suffocating kitty-mama.....I was just very aware of how she was treated by my friends & their children. If a friend allowed their child to chase &/or terrorize my BG (after I had made a request, or 10, for their child to leave her alone) the visit was cut short and they were not welcome in my home. That showed me they didn't respect me or my home. Bye-bye!
BG and I bonded....but it took about a year. She came to me, on her terms and I was fine with that. I earned her trust and she was won over by my love. She was my heart-kitty.
A neighbor rescued her from the 2 dogs. My ex had my car and refused to let me take her to the vet. I called my best friend, Misty. Misty arrived as fast as her little putt-putt car could get her to my place. On the way to the vet BG was in a 1/2 box....needing something to chew on she chose my eye glasses that were in the box next to her. I was in shock and didn't care about my glasses, Misty suggested I give her my leather wallet. Still not caring, I switched the glasses with my wallet. I still have those chewed on glasses and wallet. I was still wearing those glasses until recently when the ear piece broke.....I had many offers to buffer out the scratches, I never let anyone touch them.
The vet was wonderful with BG. There were no broken bones, but they wanted to keep her overnight. My fog was still far from lifting and I left BG at the vet's. This is one of the biggest regrets of my life. She was terrified. She needed to be with me. If I could turn back time, I would have taken her home with me.
Waiting for the vet's office to open the next morning was torture. I waited until 10 minutes after their opening hour and then called to check up on BG. The vet came on the line and told me that BG had died while they were examining her. Their best guess was that she had a heart attack. She was literally scared to death.
I should have brought her home with me. In my heart, I'm convinced that if I had she wouldn't have died. My only comfort is that she's no longer in any pain, she's free from fear and I will be with her again.
Now you know the biggest regret of my life.
"Lysol" ad...for Burfica
Oh, right! To make a long explanation even longer: I was personalizing it for Burf cuz she's in TX on her sister Alekx's "stupid tiny ass computer" and wasn't able to read the ad. Did that clear up your confusion?
See no evil
Great, now I've got the heeby-jeebies!