
Thursday, July 21, 2005

Job Update

So, this morning was my phone interview....basically it was Dixie (who works for an independent company out of Seattle that does all the hiring for BoA) telling me what the job required and seeing if I was still interested. I am, so she told me to be back out in b.f.e. (bum-flippin'-Egypt) for a 4:00 pm group interview. BoA is about 1/2 an hour away from where I live. I take Interstate 90 all the way there.

I've never been in a group interview before, so I asked her how it worked. I guess, a group of potential employees sits around a table interacting and answering questions. They are really BIG on teamwork and group stuff at this facility. I don't quite get it since it's an inbound call center...no sales involved...and you're on the phone for 99% of your shift. If you're on the phone with clients....where does the teamwork come into play? Are we gonna tackle a rival call center over who gets to take the calls? I just find that odd. I'm all for being a team player....I just don't get how that will enhance my experience answering stupid questions 8 hours a day.

So...group interview: 4pm It feels like it's 150 degrees out (in Spokane that translates to around 95.....it's a dry heat)....can I call in "hot?" I guess you shouldn't call in until after you have a job to call in to, huh?!? I swear one of those big pharmaceutical companies needs to come up with a pill that will drop body temps.....on a hot sweltering day you take a pill and it feels like it's a nice 70 degrees out, rather than 100. I bet that would sell even more than Viagra! Who wants a hard on...or to be near a hard on....in 100 degree heat? Not that I ever want to be near one.... Now those cooling pills....I'm all for that!


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