
Friday, July 01, 2005

"Lysol" ad...for Burfica

For those that weren't able to read the wonders of douching with "Lysol".....here's the large print version.
"Lysol" ad...large print

PS: I realized after posting this that my personalizing it for Burfica might make it sound like I was hinting that she needed to use the product....that's sooooo not the case! Well, not as far as I know. She's in TX & I'm in WA....so there's really no way I could know that she needs to use the product. Unless, of course, her sister Alekx said anything to me....which she didn't. That would just be wrong! And mean, too! I just don't see Alekx being that kind of person....not that I know her very well, or anything. She could easily be exactly that type of person and I would never know. She sounds so nice on her blog....well...she did tell my other Bloggin' Buds "Ha Eat dirt folks..I'm at the top of the link list." Hmmmm....maybe she is an evil meanie. Well, even if she is a minion of Evil Emus she never said a word to me about Burf's hygeine. Therefore, I'm confident that Burf is fresh as a flower.......now, where was I going with all this?

Oh, right! To make a long explanation even longer: I was personalizing it for Burf cuz she's in TX on her sister Alekx's "stupid tiny ass computer" and wasn't able to read the ad. Did that clear up your confusion?


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