Kraft Internal Memo Reaffirms Gay Games Sponsorship
It's about time a company said, "no!" to the Christian Nazis Coalition! Kraft has always been one of my favorite companies...their mac & cheese kicks ass! Don't get me started on their Mega Cup chocolate pudding! It's comforting to know that Kraft values all of their customers, not just the Nazis. Too bad Microsoft doesn't have the same policy. This just proves to me that Kraft has bigger balls than Microsoft.
OK, so I was wondering,, wh ythe hell does everything have to be labeled? Why can't Kraft have "customers" and not "gay customers" or "nazi customers"? I have no idea if your gay, straight, black, purple or green. But it seems to me that all these people screaming about equality need to first start by dropping the labels that they've given themselves. They fight for equality, yet the first thing they do is give themselves a label which immediately divides them from everyone else. I'm a man, not a gay man, a straight man, an insane man, a brilliant man,,, I'm just a man! Stop screwin yourselves and your cause. Just be who you are and stop with the labels already!
I find it interesting that when people are asked (or demanded) to drop labels it comes from a majority group and is asked of a minority group.
The whole point is that the minority is NOT part of the autonomy of white,suburban america- for example. Thank God for diversity, we should be more mindful of his creation.
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