My Hero!!
I have been having one heckuva time trying to figure out how to post my banner on the traffic engine sites. I kept getting email telling me about the problem....NOONE would give me a solution!! Until last night! My new bestest techy friend is Jeff at BlogExplosion. He can have my firstborn....wait, I don't have a firstborn. I'll share my chocolate stash with him.....see, I said share....I'm not insanely going to give it all to him....that's just nuts!
Here's the note I wrote to BlogExplosion:
For some odd reason my banner won't work when done through the check system thingy...but it works fine in the browser????
I'm having the same problem with Blogclicker and BlogXchange....Blogclicker finally did it manually and it's working fine....any hints or tips on what I can do???
Here's Jeff's response:
First of all sorry for the delay in response as our admin person has been ill.
You need two parts to add a banner.
URL/blog you want to point it to
Now for the image to display which is giving you the problem. The issue is that blogger does not allow blind transfer display. This means images stored on blogger can only be seen if your entire page is shown.
Solution -- Go to and use their free image hosting service so your banner will display.
Hope this helps
Isn't he just wonderful? If I was a straight woman I'd be lusting after his highly technical mind. I'm so happy that I've been doing the Happy-Fat-Kat-Dance since I received his reply! It doesn't take much to win my devotion.
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