
Monday, May 16, 2005

From my toenails

Down to my toenails is as deep as I can go. Lately I've been in "deep mode." If life was a swimming pool, I'd be in the deep end wearing my pink wingies (You know what I'm talking about...those armband wingy things that kids wear in the pool. I don't really need them to stay afloat, fat floats BIG time! But, they are cute and I want some! Kids don't own cuteness ya know!!). I'd be bobbing along like that turd that refuses to flush.

I typically get into this mode/mood around my Birthday. That's not until Oct, so I guess I'm avoiding the rush and starting now. Who knows, maybe I'm bobbing my way deeper into the peri-menopausal pool?!?

Instead of cluttering up my main page with words of importance and depth I'm going to write my deep thunks (as in, who da thunk?) out on my Reading, Writing and Ruminations page. I mean, that IS what it's there for. So, if ya wanna know what's going on in my slightly askew head....you'll find some big chunks of deep thunks over there.


Blogger Burfica declared....

OMG Kat, I was giggling about the water wing thingie. Then I was agreeing with how we are our own personal floatation device. But when I got to the floating turd part. I horked my drink out of my nose. Thanks for the laughs hun. LOL

5/17/2005 12:52 PM  

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