
Thursday, May 26, 2005

Don't be interesting! I'm surfing, for Christ's sake!

Why is it when you're surfing for credits through one of the traffic sites you only get interesting blogs when you don't want them? I am way behind in the credit department, so today was surfing for credits day. Of course, there are a zillion really good blogs out there and they all show up today....so I land on one, end up reading it and all the links and then forget what I'm doing! When I am surfing, but don't really need the credits, I only get the most boring and dumbest blogs on the planet. Is this Murphy's Law or some such thing?


Blogger Morris declared....

If you want something worth reading, check out my site:

Ask Morris

5/26/2005 8:54 PM  
Blogger Kat declared....

Thanks, but hell no, Morris! You're the one that made a comment about my bird wanting to die to get away from me....I deleted it and have no intention of ever gracing your site with my presence. You are a cranky old stinky ass-stain....I have no use for you or anyone like you in my life!

5/26/2005 9:01 PM  
Blogger Christopher declared....

Nice blog, just thought I would stop by and say hello!!

5/26/2005 11:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous declared....

thank god for blogmarking..
oh, and how come the first time I went throught bxplosion I got won 75 free credits, now I get squat!

5/27/2005 1:53 AM  
Blogger Andrea Knapp declared....

You know, I agree with you. That Morris guy is an idiot.

I mean, if you are going to whore your blog out, make sure its' whore-able you know? Like yours and mine?????!!!!!!!

and I love my boobs on my button! Thank you!

5/27/2005 8:00 AM  
Blogger Unknown declared....

I understand what you are saying...whenever I am really needing to just buzz through stuff I find myself stopping and commenting all over the place...oh well...I am pretty much used to it by now...great site by the way...

5/27/2005 8:15 AM  
Blogger Tricorum Satisdee declared....

I solemnly promise to be less interesting....because, you know, I just so AM normally. But for you? FEH! I am becoming boring-person!

5/27/2005 8:24 AM  
Blogger Helen declared....

Yup, ain't it always the way! Now, if I'm surfing for credits and find something interesting, I just stop and read. Much more enjoyalbe experience.

5/27/2005 8:27 AM  
Blogger Kim declared....

YES!!! And it's fucking annoying too

5/27/2005 10:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous declared....

oh godammit. im doing the same thing and eating sunflower seeds so my fingers are sticky and i dont even want to type but here you are with an interesting blog!

5/27/2005 6:50 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous declared....

For a while I was getting all of the cranky political blogs when I'd surf, but I found out you can eliminate a category from showing up. That has helped immensely!

5/28/2005 1:11 AM  

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