
Monday, April 25, 2005

Chickens of the world, beware!

KFC buffet....God is good!

There's a rumbly in my tumbly that only The Colonel can silence. Oh, yeah....I'm one starvin' marvin! I will soon be elbow deep in chicken, deep fried zucchini, and anything else that doesn't outrun me.....KFC buffet...the best invention EVEEEERRRRRRR!!!


Blogger SeniorGato declared....

Now your just doing this to spite me :-) Grrrr!

4/25/2005 6:28 PM  
Blogger Autumn Storm declared....

Ah, KFC brings back happy memories.
1) My father used to take my brother and his friends to the park every sunday (the downside, they had to include me part of the time), and take us all for KFC thereafter.
2) My mother would get angry when I wouldn't eat her food - she has improved immensely since - and insist I should eat what was on the table or nothing...and, yep, dad would take me for KFC after, so I wouldn't be hungry.
Yum yum...P.S. Only KFC in Copenhagen and at present I live at the opposite side of the country, so cravings go unsatisfied :-(

4/25/2005 9:30 PM  
Blogger Alekx declared....

Yummmmmmm extra crispy is the only way to go...it's like orgasmic

I have to go shower now

Thanks alot


4/25/2005 9:58 PM  

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