
Tuesday, May 10, 2005

Buttons, buttons & more buttons!

I've been a button-making fool today...noone could tell me how to do it so I decided I would figure it out come hell or high water. And I think I did a pretty good job! I'm so good at it that I'm looking for excuses to make buttons now...need a button? Let me know!

You can check out my "masterpieces" in the sidebar. They even work! How's that for some wicked talent? Oh yeah, I'm THAT good! My goal was to make each button represent the blogger that they link to.....Alekx's button has a background that's Cozumel undersea, that's where she is diving right now....maybe not right this second, but when it's daylight....Rosie's button has her son Blake on it...love that picture of him!

Now if only I can figure out how to link my awesome banners to the traffic surfer sites! GRRRRRRR

I'm too distracted by American Idol right now....I'll be back once AI and Amazing Race are over. It's the FINALE for Amazing Race!!! I can't wait to see who wins...if it's the couple that got all the bets....yet, I don't want it to end...I'll be going through withdrawals come next Tues.


Blogger Burfica declared....

OMG I was soooooooooooooooooooo happy with Amazing race!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

5/10/2005 11:00 PM  
Blogger Tricorum Satisdee declared....

I LOVE your buttons! They are large and colorful and perfectly representative of the writers!('specially ME!)

5/10/2005 11:18 PM  

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