
Saturday, January 07, 2006

She's Aliiiiiiiive!

Yes, I'm alive! I'm also hella-lazy. Well, not lazy really......I've developed a ginormous aversion to being on the computer. Blame it on the job I still love almost as much as chocolate.

In the past couple months I've been getting myself in shape for the wheelchair olympics....no one can beat me in the Backwards Marathon. That's right....I'm the backassward queen! If you're ever at W*M in my area and see a big girl going around the store backwards in a big black wheelchair....protect your toes cuz I'm quite the roly-poly roller!

These past few weeks I've been rolling a little slower than usual....picked up the cold from hell. Of course, it couldn't stay just your normal run-of-the-mill average American cold....nooooooo.....it had to become something more. I'm now the proud owner of acute sinusitis. Trust me there's some serious buyer's remorse going on! After we filled my Dr in on my last bad sinus infection and how it blew out my eardrum she is so not fiddle-farting around with this one. She has me taking 2,000 mgs of antibiotics a day! Yes, girlfriends, I was sure to get a prescription for Diflucan at the same time.....I'm no dummy!

So, 2006 is here. Woo-frickin'-hoo. I'm so excited I could just hock a lung chunk. It's not like I'm not hocking lung chunks anyway.....but, I felt that would express my true emotions towards this newish year. Let me give you an idea why I'm not thrilled......I was born in 1966. You do the math.

Butchy has been heard to say that she's "pushing 40".....especially since she's quit smoking. (YAY Butchy!!! Way to go!) I'm not pushing 40....as I told Butchy last night....I'm climbing in 40's lap and getting naked! Yes, I'm having a teensy bit of angst turning 40....teensy as in, "OH MY GOD!!! NOOOOOOO!!! KILL ME NOW!!!" How's that for being refined and ladylike? LOL No one will ever confuse me for a southern belle.....ain't that a relief!?!

Update on my knee: I'm scheduled for an MRI, again, on Thursday, 1/12. My MRI saga is enough fodder for at least 2 whole posts.....I'll shove it all into one after my next MRI. Will I be blitzo'd enough? Do I have enough drugs? Do I need to add a shot of vodka to the drug cocktail? Will my knee be photo-ready? Will I survive this next MRI without the trauma from the last one? Will my ptsd (post traumatic stress disorder) from the last MRI be cured by Thurs? Will the MRI tech-weenie be allowed to live without a limp and with his manhood still intact? Check back...there will be oodles of spewing.


Blogger Alekx declared....

I need to get you with my mom. Everyone in the nursing home has to get out of her, going ass backwards and running them over, way.

Take lots of drugs before the MRI and just sleep through it.

1/08/2006 7:25 AM  
Blogger Burfica declared....

LOL yeah mom is the backwards roller too. hehehehe

uggghhhh about your sinus problems. I'm still rather fighting with the flu I had.

When I turned 30 (many many long moons ago) I told everyone I was sleeping through my birthday so it would never happen. That way I will stay 29 forever. anyhow, that's my story and I'm sticken to it. heheheh

1/09/2006 8:58 AM  
Blogger Kim declared....

don't kid yourselves! 40 is the greatest!

2/05/2006 3:23 AM  

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