
Sunday, September 04, 2005

Giggles Needed!!

Life has been such a bowl of cherry pits this week. My cure for the pits? Laughter! Ok, to be 100% honest...laughter while snarfing on major amounts of chocolate. For those of you who are highly concerned about my well-being: I'm well stocked with chocolate. My laughter-barrel is dry with a nasty echo.

In my email I received a funny from one of my funniest friends.....Of course, I have to share it with y'all!
A study conducted by UCLA's Department of Psychiartry has revealed that the kind of face a woman finds attractive on a man can differ depending on where she is in her menstrual cycle.
For example: If she is ovulating, she is attracted to men with rugged and masculine features. However, if she is menstruating, or menopausal, she tends to be more attracted to a man with scissors lodged in his temple and a bat jammed up his ass, while he is on fire.
Further studies are expected.
That gave me about a 1/2 minute chuckle....I still have 23 hours & 59 minutes to fill. HELP!!!


Blogger carpediemtomorrow declared....

It's the same for men and alcohol....At the beginning of the night cycle, the man looks for a beer and the good looking woman.....by the end of the night cycle and lots of beer later, the man looks for any woman!!

9/05/2005 3:04 AM  
Blogger Dawn declared....

I laughed so hard at that one.. then I sent it to 4 other people.

Thank you

9/05/2005 8:59 PM  
Blogger Burfica declared....

you want another good 2 minutes of laughter or so. Go check out my squirel and biker post on my blog. hehehehe It's pee your pants good girlie.

9/07/2005 12:24 PM  
Blogger Alekx declared....

I was gonna say that. Go see Burf's post about the squirl

You will pee your pants laughing

9/07/2005 7:45 PM  
Blogger carpediemtomorrow declared....

ok....your next blog should be great as you and your significant over have been neglecting us lately......make sure is it good...lol

9/09/2005 5:08 PM  
Blogger Manic Mom declared....

On truly awful days, remember these three steps:

1) Lather

2) Rinse

3) Maim

Repeat as needed.

9/09/2005 8:23 PM  
Blogger SeniorGato declared....

Ah, classic. Didn't see that coming :)

9/09/2005 9:19 PM  

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