
Tuesday, August 23, 2005

& they just keep falling!

Showers of blessings, that is!

I was all geared up to go into work and talk to my "Trainer" about my need for more hours. A gal can't live on part time....not without being married to Bill Gates...and since he's not really my type...being male and all.....well, anyway....I need more hours at work. So...all geared up....go to work....first thing, we have a manager stop by offering more hours! WOO HOO!!! They are now doing all they can to get me 40 hours....how cool is that?!?!?! Oh yeah...this girl is sooooo blessed!

Tonight was my first night taking calls.....if you were the gal that called and while on hold waiting for me to come back with a brilliant answer to your question you got hung up on....I am soooooo sorry!!!! Please don't take it personally...I'm new, I'm a dork, I'm not used to all the button and flashing lights....that pretty much explains it all. I feel sorry for anyone that ends up with me answering their call....they'll get the answer to their question....eventually. As long as they don't get hung up on.......


Blogger sandegaye declared....

You're forgiven.. I called back.

8/24/2005 5:08 AM  
Blogger Beth declared....

Wooo! Congrats on such a wonderful job, girlfriend! I'm glad it's working out so wonderfully for you!

8/24/2005 6:30 AM  
Blogger Shanna declared....

Yay you, sister!

By the way... i'm Blog Explosioning you!!! lol!

See ya in the siterhood, lady :)


8/24/2005 9:29 AM  
Blogger Burfica declared....

whoooooo fricken hooooooo. Don't you just love it when things start falling in your lap???

8/24/2005 11:33 AM  
Blogger ... declared....

That's great. Blessings piled on blessings - and, how cool that you willed the hours to come to you.

8/24/2005 2:08 PM  
Blogger Alekx declared....

Good job!!!

As for hanging up on someone, won't be the last time it happens.
I worked a call center and sometimes you just accidently/on purpose hit the wrong button.
They'll call back.

Say a prayer for me I have an interview for an Armored Car Guard on Friday.
I need a job....I need a job in a big way.

8/24/2005 5:04 PM  
Blogger Juno declared....

Personally I'd love to see you working a 911 help line.

Good to see you again!

8/27/2005 9:26 AM  
Blogger Christopher declared....

Hello Kat! I have been wondering how you have been, and wanted to let you know that I appreciate and thank you for the encouragement that you have been given me throughout my move and helping me with my page. I cannot begin to express how sweet you have been and not to mention helpful. I am adjusting ok to it here, getting used to it and thanks so much for being you!

8/27/2005 11:38 PM  

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