
Thursday, June 23, 2005

Missing Michael

Michael & Tracy

Occasionally over the course of the last few months I've found myself wondering how Michael J. Fox is doing. He seems like a friend I grew up with and haven't seen in ages. He irritated the heck out of me as Alex P. Keaton....that is until his future wife, Tracy Pollan, joined the show as Ellen and brought out Alex's soft gentle side. I fell in love with them to the tune of Billy Vera & the Beater's At This Moment.

I have enjoyed pretty much every show & movie that Michael has starred in. His roles have caused me to laugh and cry. I'm so sorry for him and his family that they are having to deal with the tragedy of Parkinson's. My heart goes out to him & his loved ones. My heart goes out to all of us who are being robbed of his wonderful talent. At this moment, I pray that he's happy, at peace & surrounded by love & laughter.


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