
Thursday, June 16, 2005

My Work

I've been playing a lot with templates lately. Learning lots of interesting tidbits about html and the fine art of not pulling too much hair out at one time. It's been a painful, but rewarding process. I still have a lot of hair left in case I'm asked to do another project.

Instead of posting pics, you can go and see my work up close and personal-like. Other than the pages I've done for myself: Reading, Writing & Ruminations........... Pryncess' Babies

I've also completed: Butchy's Page.......La Femme and last night, Tony's

I'm sure Tony would love to hear what you think....he designed the header himself.

That's what I've been up to....templating, reaching the #1 spot on BlogExplosion's Top 50 and dealing with an icky sicky tummy. How about you?

I'm starting to notice that people are updating less, or just have less to say. I'm thinking we're all starting to get Summer Fever. Well...obviously I'm not....I always have too much to say and noone interested in hearing it. Good thing I talk to myself! Now, if only I can get myself to actually pay attention.........


Blogger Tricorum Satisdee declared....

Holy crap I have a newfound respect for you. I did one of those BE battle thingies and LOST in about five seconds. I didn't even have time to refresh the page! Woooo!

6/16/2005 9:38 AM  
Blogger Juno declared....

Loved the header on Readings, Writings and Ruminations. Nicely done!

It's always fun to read your comments on my own blog too :)

6/16/2005 11:28 PM  
Blogger Alekx declared....

I always have alot to say but I never have enough time to say it.
I'll try to update soon I promise

6/17/2005 1:30 PM  

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