
Thursday, June 02, 2005

Back in Style?!?

Yesterday I'm filling my face at a chinese restaurant when this young guy comes in....he's all punk'd out with hat on sideways...you know, the way we used to do it when we were kids pretending to be retarded.....his clothes would fit a 500 lb man....he even has a "goldish" chain. It fo shizzle wasn't gold!...see I can speak "hip!" I got to looking at the kids shorts...I've seen guys dressed in shorts like these for years, now. Hanging off the bottom of their bums, boxers rising out of them like the morning sun chasing away the moon. This time, though, I suddenly had a revelation..............
Only this time...they are being worn by guys looking to be the hippest of the hip!!! Women wore them to slimify their hips....guys don't even wear them on their hips!! Women NEVER would have worn them under their bums with their granny panties covering everything we work so hard at hiding!

It's sad, but true...Gouchos are back and the boys are looking as ridiculous as ever.


Blogger Burfica declared....

yayyyyyyy I'm back, and we had chinese food yesterday, and in walked two very stoned drunk people does that count????

6/02/2005 8:01 PM  
Blogger Helen declared....

Isn't is great how fashion repeats itself!

6/03/2005 4:12 AM  
Blogger Tricorum Satisdee declared....

Actually, those are kind of hot...I wonder how a fat chick like me would look in those?!?!?

6/03/2005 3:49 PM  
Blogger Lu declared....

you are the shizzle for rizzle!! hehe

i love your blog...you are hilarious! you leave me no choice but to blogroll you!!


6/03/2005 6:45 PM  
Blogger Jude declared....

Great blog here! Love your sense of humour. I'm here via the Complimenting Commenter, and we both say "kudos" to your blog!

6/04/2005 8:34 AM  
Blogger GH declared....

Hey there! Found ya through the Complimenter. Funny Stuff!! The "boyz" are just trying to be as cool as us gals have always been ;)


6/04/2005 10:59 AM  
Blogger Jenn declared....

you get an honorable mention for the best thing i've read today. I hate the look the boys/menwunnabeez are sporting. If I wanted to see their unclassy underwear... I'd ask them to strip :D

6/04/2005 11:06 AM  
Blogger Juno declared....

The Complimenting Commenter sent me--cool site.

Some fashion trends were just never a good idea in the first place.


6/04/2005 11:23 AM  
Blogger golfwidow declared....

The Complimenting Complimenter is so right about you.

6/04/2005 12:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous declared....

Hi there, I too am here via the C/C and so glad I came :)

Peace out.


6/04/2005 2:32 PM  
Blogger MoMo declared....

CC sent me too, and I'm so glad he did! Linked at first site!

6/04/2005 3:10 PM  
Blogger Kat declared....

Welcome all you Complimenting Commenters!! I'm honored!

And to all my Bloggin' Buds....I'm ALWAYS honored when you visit and take the time to leave a comment.

It's a great day to be alive!

6/04/2005 3:17 PM  

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