that just a dyslexic's way of spelling shit? I can't read Revenge of the Sith without correcting it in my head to read Revenge of the Shit. Great tagline for that would be: Revenge of the happens.
I'm older than Rolling Stone magazine, younger than color television, bigger than a Xbox, smaller than a Winnebago, taller than a goat, shorter than a horse, wider than a parking meter, "narrower" than the Space Needle, serious as a heart attack, sillier than the tickles, smarter than the average bear, dumber than my Mom, prettier than dirt, "uglier" than a sunset, girlie as a pryncess, moves through crowds like a linebacker, anal as an accountant, laid-back as a slug, darker than white chocolate, lighter than butterscotch pudding, louder than a whisper, "quieter" than a fog horn
I dont know why, but I find that very humerous :) Cause it's sooo true
It cnaont rsidee on the fcat taht you can raed wrods if at laset the fsrit and the lsat letetr are in the rgiht pclae.
This really has to be dyslexia in your case ;)
lol...okay...although, I did love the movie...I can see your point
LMAO!!! can i post this as my favorite quote of the day??
" that just a dyslexic's way of spelling shit?"
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