
Sunday, May 01, 2005

What the.....???? What nerve!

How dare Jennifer Wilbanks not be dead!!!! I mean, really! She should be dead, buried in a shallow grave near her jogging route, and her fiance should be guilty of the crime......isn't THAT the American Way??? I mean, come on! As an American you don't have the right to just take off. Disappearing is NOT something that is allowed! It's just NOT PROPER!!! Be like zillions of other American women with cold feet and just go through with the over priced ceremony....that's what alcohol and valium are for! Sheesh! What is the world coming to!?!

No, it wasn't "cool" for her to cause her loved ones and friends anguish....or to say that she was abducted....but, we are talking about a gal who went to extremes in her attempt to escape her life. That should clue someone in that all is not well in Jennifer's world.

My heart goes out to her. She didn't do this to be evil....to get attention....to take part in some sort of a conspiracy.....she was running away from her life. Isn't that something we have all wished for a time or two?


Blogger Kim declared....

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5/02/2005 3:31 AM  
Blogger Kim declared....

grrrrrrrr, I hate typing with fake nails, sorry about that dele up there...

When I saw that story for the first time, before she was found, they kept talking about the 14 bridesmaids and groomsmen, and I kept thinking to myself, why whould anyone put themselves through all that? Guess she had the same thought....

5/02/2005 3:33 AM  

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