
Tuesday, April 12, 2005

NOT a migraine cure....

This may not cause you to have a migraine....more like severe indigestion....but, since I'm still dealing with all the wonders of a migraine this news just didn't help. Now I have a migraine and indigestion. "Kev" has succeeded in impregnating his ticket to fame, fortune, and a lifelong subscription to Trailer Park Trash. I can't imagine how Brit's mom feels about all this.....I bet that she's seriously regretting sticking her nose in Brit's first marriage with good-boy Jason Alexander......Jason vs Kev is like saying small-town-boy vs trailer-park-stud. (I use the word "stud" very loosely.)
BS....aka: Britney Spears....she makes my head shake. That girl just ain't right. She will learn that you can't buy class....not that she really cares.....light up another cigarette, you wouldn't want your baby to be born without a nicotine habit. After hearing all the stories about how BS & her Gigolo let their dogs poop all over their house, makes me wonder if they will be diapering their spawn or just have the nanny (you know there will be nannies in this kid's life, probably oodles of them until they can find one that knows how to speak Trailer Trash) follow Giggy-Bob around with a pooper scooper. I'm already feeling sorry for the poor kid.


Blogger SeniorGato declared....

Poor spawn of BS... Just another child that will think tree's come before four...

4/13/2005 9:34 AM  
Blogger Alekx declared....

Oh my I had a great comment all in my little tiny head then I read Seniorgato's comment and thought well tree does come before four and realized it's my recovering trailor trash self shining through.
Good Lord now I have indegestion but I think it was the tamale and choclate donuts.

4/14/2005 2:02 PM  

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