Tuesday, April 05, 2005
Chocolate milk...it's the good life
Life is good. I have a chocolate milk mustache, I'm a happy girl. It doesn't take much to make me happy. Chocolate milk, Costco's chocolate covered almonds, Diet Dr. Pepper, microwave light butter popcorn....it's all good. Add to that a good book that I'm only 1/4 of my way into.....I'm ecstatic! It doesn't take much at all to please me.....my girlfriend gave me a little spiral notebook awhile back...she knows the way to my heart is through pens, paper, and the stuff listed above. I love my little notebook! I have more paper, spiral notebooks and pens than W*M!! I could easily stock my own paper supply store, but that would mean being willing to sell my treasures, and that just ain't gonna happen! I should frame blank pieces of paper. Nothing is more exciting to me than the possibilities that a blank piece of paper present to me. I could use it to make a card, write a love letter, write a nasty "you suck" letter, begin The Great American Novel, write a song, write a list (I LOVE lists, too!) it has infinite possibilities! Paper's only limits are the limits I place on it.
I'm in a happy place right now. For the first time in over a year I'm finally feeling human. My sinus infection is basically cleared up, I'm pretty much over the nasty flu-bug, my voice is almost 100%, life is good! I've been euphoric....didn't realize how sick I was until now as I look back....I feel like I lost a year. 2005 is gonna be fabulous!!
OHMYGOD are you a paper collecter too? I thought I was the only one! I totally buy pretty paper of all shapes sizes and colors, just for the possibilities that it holds. It could be ANYTHING!
I laughed when I read this. I am such a notebook hoarder. Not so much the paper, but the notebook, especially spiral bound ones. The possibilities!
And chocolate milk. A spiral notebook and chocolate milk. Yep, that would make me a very happy girl.
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