Dis-crim-in-ation....keep in rhythm....count off....
This is what I've been comparing the Gay Marriage Fight (GMF) to all along. Back in the 1940's comments were made that if they allowed mix races to marry what next? Men marrying their dogs? Women marrying their horses? Puh-leze! How about we make laws that state one consenting adult marrying another consenting adult. I don't even care if they allow one man to marry 55 wives.....as long as he can support them without going on welfare. Then they can focus on fighting the young girls being forced to marry child molesters in Utah. I think there are more pressing issues than whether I marry a woman that I love, or a man that I don't give a rat's ass about. Since heteros have not perfected marriage and, up until the GMF, had no interest in protecting the sanctity of marriage.....they can all bugger off! I've said it once and I'll say it again...because I can....if you really want to protect the sanctity of marriage outlaw adultery & divorce. Pretty simple solution.
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