As stated in a previous post I was raised by
fundamentalists. Basically my parents believe that if the Bible says it, that settles it. Unless, of course, it was something cultural or was B.C. (before Christ). I didn't have hair down to my ankles or have to wear dresses all the time, those were classified as cultural. As I've matured (aged sounds so....well...ancient) I've come to realize that there are a large number of
deluded people in our country that call themselves Christians. Why do I say they are deluded? Well, cuz they are! Here's my thoughts on this: Christian means: one who professes belief in the teachings of Jesus
Christ. Having been raised in a Christian home and attending Christian schools and even attending a Christian college I have been given the gift of quite a bit of Biblical knowledge. In the course of my studies I came to discover that the teachings of Christ were all about love. That is the foundation of Christ's teachings....He was all about love. He IS love.
Do you see where I'm going with this? When we hear those infamous conservatives that have overtaken our government spewing their "Jesus Juice" all I find myself thinking is, "Where's the love?" I firmly believe in boundaries, laws, etc. But...and this is one heckuva big ass B U T.....the spiel that fundy's give about "love the sinner, but hate the sin" is a whole load of bull poop. Show me the love, then I'll be willing to listen to your silly
asinine opinions. It's pretty clear that the right-wingers do not love gays. Yet they are wanting to reach gays for Christ. Would you want a Christ that is judgemental? Discriminating? Violent? Hate-filled? No? Really? How odd. That's the Christ that the right-wingers are selling. Maybe it's not so odd that gays aren't buying. Where's the love?
People don't care how much you know, until they know how much you care.
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