2 Blondes don't make a right!
I have a confession to make: I am very pissed with Ellen! You would have thought that her experience with Anne "Gay-for-a-Day" Heche would have taught her to avoid blonde actresses at all cost! But, alas, no......I guess she decided that she needed more drama/trauma and blonde hair dye in her life. She's giving lesbians a bad name...and no dyke is not a bad name! Lesbians are already dealing with the stereotype that we drive a U-Haul to our dates.....now we have Ellen and Portia "getting acquainted" in the backseat of a limo at a VH-1 awards show and next thing ya know they are not only booting their sig others outta their lives they are now wearing matching platinum bands! What's the rush? Are they needing to finish their To Do List before their roots grow out? Time is one thing they have a lot of....gay marriage isn't legal in California, yet.
When did relationships become so disposable? I'm feeling angst over the whole Ellen/Alex/Portia fiasco. I hope that Alex finds someone that will value her for the wonderful woman Ithink she is. I've never met her, but I'm sure that my being a very distant spectator gives me the "true scoop." Yeah, right.
My philosophy on relationships is that old business should be finished before new business is started. I think it's also Robert's Rules of Something or Other......I'm having a brain fart accompanied with a side of intelligence indigestion.
Ellen's Amex commercial is on.....if she could only see me glaring at her!
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