
Sunday, August 07, 2005


I don't know why this is, but I've been having some major issues with water retention lately. It could be due to the hot weather, my blood pressure, or both of them combined. All I know is that yesterday my feet were Michelin Man feet and hurt....BAD!!

So why the pookoo face? In a moment of brilliance last night I dropped a full 2 liter bottle of soda on my right puffy foot....the bottle landed upside down right below my pinky-toe....OWIE!!! I've got a big blue bruise now....at least the puffiness is gone. Water pills are my new best friend. Wait...I'm still puffy....but, that's only in the area with the bruise...I think I may have broken some of the little bones in there. I'm feeling very whiney at the moment, can you tell? LOL


Blogger Sandi declared....

Try to keep your feet elevated, this will help keep the swelling down. You should talk to your Dr. about increasing your lasix.
When people say their feet are swelling I think of their blood pressure also, but it makes me fear for their kidneys.
I worked on a renal transplant unit for three years and I know how fragile a kidney is.
Take care and try to stay off of the injured foot as much as possible, if there are broken little bones they won't do anything about it. Except maybe tape your little toe to the next one in line.

8/07/2005 5:31 PM  
Blogger Beth declared....

Awww, I'm sorry pumpkin! Take some time, put your foot up, and rest a while!

8/08/2005 9:13 AM  
Blogger Manic Mom declared....

Poor baby! Sounds like a rotten day! Keep them tootsies up and try to not harm yourself any further. By the way, what is the toe next to the little one called? Your ring-toe? Nope. Can't be. Sounds like a disease. Or a parasite.

8/08/2005 7:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous declared....

The best cure for a broken toe... CHOCOLATE! It might not stop your toe from throbbing, but it IS a good excuse to eat some chocolate, don't you think? Hope it feels better soon!

8/09/2005 8:08 AM  
Blogger Kat declared....

You gals are the best! You know how to change a pookoo face into a smiley one.

For the record, I'm heavily medicating with chocolate...it doesn't help the foot any, but it sure makes me happy!

8/09/2005 12:30 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous declared....

If it is broken, it can be reset because bones are funny and make a tiny damage that expands unseen til its a maor problem to address 20 years down the line. One doctor may pooh-pooh you but a podiatrist might not. Just as common sense precaution, not horror scare story.

8/10/2005 7:58 AM  

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