
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Lord of the Rings The Return of the King...I think

For those that advised me to see the 3rd installment...BITE ME!! I huffed and puffed through part 3 almost as much as part 2! Do they know that there was a book written by the same name with similar characters? There were so many areas that had me puffin' at my bangs I don't even want to get started!

To those that haven't read the books and thinks the movies are based on the books....READ THE BOOKS!!! Sure, there's a lot of similarities.....but, it's similarities such as between 2 unrelated men with dark hair who have never met and live on opposite sides of the globe, rather than identical twins. They ignored some of the best parts....there should have been a 4th movie...I know there's only 3 books, but if you're gonna massacre the trilogy because of time.....why not invent a 4th movie to go with all the crap you invented in the movie?

I'm glad I don't have to sit through anymore of that crap.....my stomach can't handle it. I may post about this again, after I've calmed down a little.....but then again, probably not....it's just not worth the energy.


Blogger Hippie girl declared....

Hey Kat I'm not very good at posting links so go to my blog then go to the first link osbasso you'll find out all about HNT it's kinda fun I've been going there for a while on his sidebar it has a link that tells you all the rules. It keeps getting bigger and bigger. sorry it took me so long to get back to you I'm still a little down in the back. Hope your new job is going well. I'll yack at you later.
sorry no comments on your post I've never seen the movies because I did read the books and I know how they fuck it all up soo I'd rather stick with the books.
BTW My cousin an Em and her sister and my aunt have started a book club check it out sundaymorningbookclub.blogspot.com
or go to the link on my links.

8/04/2005 12:48 PM  
Blogger Manic Mom declared....

Wait...some idiot was allowed to make movies of TofR? Lol!

8/04/2005 7:35 PM  
Blogger sandegaye declared....

Maybe we should start a sidebar for great movie reviews like this one!
You just saved me the price of a rental.. ;o)

8/05/2005 10:11 AM  

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