
Sunday, February 27, 2005

Freaky Pussy

If stories about freaky pussy cats isn't your "thang".......you'll want to just skip this post.

I'm a strong believer in fate. I usually call fate "God." It is my sincere belief that life is not full of consequences, but instead is orchestrated by a power greater than me. Therefore, because of this firm belief, I know that before time began I was deemed to be the mama of one freaky-teaky kitty. His name is Tigger, but we call him Bubba, Tig-Tig, Baby Boy & big-man-kitty. I don't think he knows his "legal" name. But, his name is not what this story is about.

From the day he was given to us he has cracked us up. He, being the man-kitty that he is, has an innate need to "mark" his territory. There's no need to cringe....noone ever taught Tig-Tig how to "mark" in the correct manner known to all (except for him) male kitties.

Tig-Tig will go through the motions.....but, that's all there is to his "marking." He backs up to whatever he feels needs his "mark," ie: my leg, and will wiggle his ass in that "gonna-mark-my-territory-so-there-will-be-no-dout-that-you-belong-to-me way" and that will be the end of that. I am "marked." In fact, when I go potty he MUST be in the room with me and will commence marking the WHOLE bathroom. His butt is wiggling all over the place. We don't tell him that most male kitties also pee when they do this. We don't want to mess with his "thang." We kind of like not having the mess and smell all over our house. When Butchy and I discuss it we actually whisper....just in case he's listening. He is a brilliant kitty in other areas.....that's a novel for another day. Maybe he's an idiot savant?!? Shall we start calling him Rainless Tig?

Please, don't discuss his "marking habits" in front of him. We don't want him to feel like he's "different."


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