
Saturday, February 26, 2005

Leaking brain cells

It's time for me to stop surfing blogs for awhile. Only surfing through blogs that are linked to blogs that I already know I like will keep me from losing too many more brain cells. I always surf the blogs belonging to those that take the time to comment on my posts. I've found some wonderful blogs that way. Surfing through blogexplosion, blogazoo and blogclicker is having a detrimental effect on my psyche. Meaning: Seeing the same boring blogs over and over and over again is causing my brain to go comatose. Then there are those blogs that quote other blogs.....other boring blogs! I'm not into those "Things I've Done" survey thingys, nor do I care about which states people have been to/lived in/bored to tears.

I know, I'm a little cranky. My blog is not all that and I know that. I'm just not a wagon jumper.....I just wave as the wagon goes by. What I REALLY don't like is when a blogger attacks another blogger. I may discuss my dislike for some types of blogs, you'll never see me put a link to a blog and then go on a tirade attacking it. That's just rude. I'm not the attacking-type, either.

Sorry this isn't a happy post today. I'm just not a happy girl. My "froat" hurts and I got aches and pains in areas that are usually pretty quiet. I want my Mama!!! Yes, I know I'm a whiney baby! Death to the one who gave me this crap!


Blogger Dawn declared....

Well, I like your blog, I check it out daily. Take care, keep up the good work.

2/26/2005 10:51 PM  

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